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De-stress at your Desk

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click here! to download the De-stress at your Desk document.

Short terms de-stressers

Load up on the liquids:

  • Keeping hydrated at work is super important because office air-conditioning can strip the body of moisture which puts it under unnecessary stress.
  • Try leaving a litre water bottle on your desk and finishing it every day.
  • Drinking tea is also the perfect way to stay hydrated and calm down.
  • Just avoid too many coffees or sugary drinks � they only spike your energy so high that it comes spectacularly crashing down

Take a time-out:

  • Closing your eyes for 30 seconds and taking a few deep breaths or looking out the window will help your eyesight and your stress levels.
  • If you feel uptight jump on the spot a few times to release the tension.

Get and stay organised:

  • A messy desk does not show that you're busy and productive; it just resembles your cluttered mind.
  • Taking five minutes at the end of every day to clean your work space and write a to-do list for the next day will make your morning arrival that much more pleasant..

Scatter some inspiration around:

  • Having clear goals will always help you get through the tough times.
  • Also nothing lifts your spirits like some positive affirmation so don't forget to reward yourself when you do a good job and foster your own self-confidence.


Long terms de-stressers

Sleep anxiety off:

  • Around 60 percent of people who say they're stressed also say they don't get enough sleep.
  • If you're having trouble nodding off try a warm shower with some lavender body wash, followed by reading a good book.
  • Try to avoid late night eating or TV as it puts your mind into overdrive.

Get active:

  • Exercise is the golden rule of stress busters.
  • Just 20 minutes of cardio three times a week releases tension in the body and dispels toxins.
  • You can also try yoga for relaxation.
  • A healthy diet which includes a breakfast packed with protein (eggs, meat, wholegrains and greens) will get you firing on all cylinders and regular low-GI meals throughout the day will keep your energy up.
  • Make sure to actually take a lunch break too and get outside for some fresh air and sunlight instead of slumping over your desk.

Stress less summary

  • The number one rule when dealing with work place stress is not to ignore it!
  • Life and work is meant to be enjoyed!

